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Through a deep understanding of their challenges, we work with our clients to achieve their energy transition, climate resilience or ESG outcome. It is the strategic expertise and asset knowledge of our people that really sets us apart.



The world’s largest research & development project into climate change adaptation.

The Great Barrier Reef, a UNESCO World Heritage listed environmental asset, contributing >$6bn a year to the Australian economy, is under threat due to climate change. The Australian Government is investing $260m on advancing R&D into ‘moonshot’ ideas that can be deployed at scale to help save the GBR.

The GBR is a complex inter-connected system of reefs, ecosystems, communities & industries. Understanding the highly uncertain impacts of climate change on this broad system is a challenge in & of itself, let alone characterising the merits & ecological and socio-economic value proposition of untested interventions in order to make informed decisions on acting given the inherent uncertainty.

Adaptus has been engaged to lead the $20m Modelling & Decision Support sub-program, leading a team of 40 scientists, engineers and economists from CSIRO, AIMS, QUT and UQ in designing & developing an operational system to inform ecological socio-economic understanding of the GBR and facilitate decision making on R&D & intervention deployment.

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Elementos has established an Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Position Statement.

Adaptus recently completed an ESG review for Elementos, leading to development of an ESG statement and ongoing involvement helping Elementos develop and implement its ESG management system.

Congratulations to the team at Elementos Limited (ASX:ELT) on the release of their Position Statement on ESG (Environment, Social & Governance) in the Elementos Annual Report (p.8).

Tin is a critical component of electronic chips & is currently at record high prices due to supply deficit & booming demand for electronics. Further, much of the world’s supply emanates from less regulated jurisdictions, making Elementos’ developments in Spain & Australia particularly attractive for ESG and risk-conscious investors.

Adaptus partnered with Elementos on a strategic review to establish visibility on material ESG themes, through:

  • A detailed analysis of relevant statutory & voluntary ESG disclosure & reporting frameworks;

  • Analysis of applicable mining industry standards & trends for sustainability;

  • Analysis of current compliance requirements & emerging regulatory & sociallicence trends in Spain, Australia & the EU; and,

  • Analysis of stated ESG requirements of the investor & lending community.

We wish Elementos the best as they embark on their development efforts & look forward to assisting them on their ESG journey as they mature their global tin assets into production in a responsible way.



Helping utilities make quality decisions in a climate-disrupted world.

The water utility conducted a physical climate risk assessment, the results of which indicated significant uncertainty in the implications of climate change on water supply certainty.

Climate uncertainty was identified as having a potential impact on strategic decisions (e.g., capital investment in new supply) and tactical decisions (e.g., sustaining capital allocation), and there was a recognition that decision making would need to be enhanced to be effective in dealing with climate uncertainty.

Adaptus performed a review of high-value, high-risk decisions, across capability, processes and systems, and provided recommendations on actions to enable more effective and efficient decision making in the context of climate change.

Projects: Projects
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